Early Childhood Screening
Promote positive health and developmental outcomes and kindergarten readiness starting at the age of three (3) years.
During screening, your child’s speech, motor, and cognitive skills are reviewed.
Your child will have their height, weight, vision, and hearing checked.
You will participate in a summary interview to review the screening process, your child's social and emotional skills, and discuss any concerns you may have. Screenings last approximately 60 minutes and are held at the Family Center.
Appointments are required. Registration paperwork is completed prior to the appointment, along with submitting a copy of your child’s birth certificate and immunization record.
For more information, or to schedule an appointment, call 763-528-4517
Screening is required by MN State Statute 121A.17 for entrance into Minnesota public schools or within 30 days of kindergarten enrollment. Screening is best completed at three years of age.
Screening Dates
For screening appointments, call 763-528-4517. All screenings for the rest of the year will be by call-in appointment.
- Child Health and Developmental History
- Early Childhood Screening Consent
- Early Childhood Screening Release of Information
- Hearing and Vision History
- New Family Census
- Registration for Early Childhood Screening
Child Health and Developmental History
Early Childhood Screening Consent
Early Childhood Screening Release of Information
Hearing and Vision History
New Family Census
Registration for Early Childhood Screening
- Salud infantil e historial de desarrollo
- Consentimiento para la detección precoz
- Evaluación de la primera infancia Divulgación de información
- Historial auditivo y visual
- Nuevo censo familiar
- Inscripción para el cribado precoz